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Here's How AI Affects and Benefits Marketing

Written by Shannon Correia | December 21, 2021

In this article, we’ll be discussing the role of AI in marketing. While it is still in its developmental stages in this industry, the pioneers who utilize it can transform their marketing departments. Here’s a look at what it is, how you can implement it, and why it matters.

How AI Affects Marketing

First things first, let’s discuss what AI (Artificial Intelligence) is: it’s an umbrella term that regards to machines becoming smarter. One of the key subsets of AI is machine learning, which is all about predictions made based on data.

The more it is used, the more the algorithms learn and the better the recommendations become. Spotify is an example of this, where the recommendations seemingly know you better than you know yourself. AI doesn’t forget and continually learns. This allows it to recognize individual behaviors and preferences to personalize experiences. There is a lot of data that is involved in the process, painting a complete picture of your interests, whereabouts, connections, habits, and so on.

Now, AI is not about replacing your job as a marketer. At the end of the day, this technology can improve various parts of your job through the likes of automation, but human judgment and the relational emotive aspects of marketing still matter. By enhancing your role with the power of AI, you can open your team up to opportunities, and improve your ability to solve problems with greater efficiency.

To learn more, watch this discussion by HubSpot on “Will AI Take My Job?

Capitalize on the Benefits AI in Marketing

There are various ways you can use AI to improve your marketing department. HubSpot has developed a framework to explain how marketers can apply AI to their content and email marketing, which we’ve explained below:

  • Planning: This is all about the strategy. There are numerous ways that AI can improve your ability to create powerful strategies, like recommendations for editorial topics, improving goal setting based on data and forecasts, improving SEO, and using data to create more robust buyer personas.
  • Production: AI’s automation can improve your ability to create content by editing content and converting text to voice. The automation side of things can also improve productivity by automating repetitive tasks, saving your team more time which can be dedicated elsewhere.
  • Personalization: Customising the customer experiences is more important than ever. The time emails are sent can be optimized, helpful conversations can be had with bots, and recommendations can be made in real-time.
  • Promotion: This stage is all about the delivery of your marketing. AI can help to identify social media news and trends (an important element of social listening), make adjustments to ad spend based on real-time performance, and create narratives based on performance reports.
  • Performance: With the above in mind, your marketing team can turn data into intelligence, thereby creating enhanced strategies. It’s all about using data for insight, which helps create top-performing content, create accurate forecasts based on predictive analysis.

Your business may not be able to implement all of the above, or some of the elements may not be applicable. AI can be introduced in small steps so that you’re investing in the best technology and ensuring that it is being used properly as you make these adjustments.

One example of this is live chat - it can be a super helpful resource in getting customers to help as they need it. But the chatbot needs to be intelligent enough to recognize the issue and provide suitable recommendations, otherwise, it can be more of a hindrance to the user.

Quick AI Improvements in Marketing

While the above explains the main ways that AI can improve marketing, there are many other positive effects. This includes:

  • The reducing of human-made errors and subconscious bias.
  • The ability to make quicker decisions since processes are quicker and data can be presented in real-time.
  • Data quality is improved since the technology can present data in the most efficient way possible.
  • Data quantity is broader which takes various factors into account and speeds up the researching processes.
  • Marketers can segment their audience and target with more precision.

The Role of AI in Marketing

AI helps marketing teams to optimize the sales funnels, improve forecasts, and enhance lead scoring. All of this leads to greater accuracy and efficiency. For many marketers who are starting to implement elements of AI into their operations, a CRM makes the most sense. This is because the AI is integrated into this technology which centralizes business ops and aligns marketing with sales and service.

As an official HubSpot partner, Nexa can help you to set up this system for your business so that you can start benefiting from AI. To learn more about what we can do for you, reach out to us.