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Video Production in 2023 - Now Is the Time to Create B2B Video Content

Written by Shannon Correia | September 09, 2021

Video has topped the ranks in terms of the best marketing content for the past couple of years. It is going nowhere but up in 2023 - the talk is no longer about how effective it is because the best marketers are already on board. It's therefore time for your business to seriously consider implementing a strategy that includes video production in 2023.

The Power of Video Content

Video content can increase your reach, engagement, retention and marketing. What’s more in 2023? It can improve your SEO rankings as well. In fact, it is more than 50x easier to rank higher in search engines with video content than it is with text. The evidence is therefore clear: you need video content.

Video Production in 2023

  • Make your digital content work for you by expanding upon your methods of delivery by making your content multimodal and creating a longer lifespan for it. Take topics and cover them in various ways to suit your audience, from webinar videos to social media video marketing. This will work well with your other forms of content by incorporating them onto your website and blog, for example. Video is versatile, so utilise it for everything from testimonials to explainers and demonstrations.
  • Events have changed, with many going virtual. Consider alternatives to events or ways in which you can showcase your brand virtually. One of the best ways to do this is through video content, from simulations to interviews.

  • Onboarding and training have taken off with video content for remote workforces. Create unique and useful content for new employees with animated videos and corporate branding videos that showcase all the details of your brand.

Video Production in 2023: Getting Started

Video is highly specialised, and thus you need to work with the best team available to you. Since video is such an essential element of marketing content, it is an indication of your brand's perceptions to your audience. It has also become commonplace in marketing; therefore having video content is a crucial aspect of meeting the expectations of your audience.

So, you want to produce videos. Where you begin depends on whether you wish to make it in-house or outsource it. There are benefits to either. If you're going to create in house content, you will need to invest in various camera equipment, or hire it from a reputable company that can give you first preference when it comes down to it. You'll need a camera, tripod, lighting kit, microphone(s) and a backdrop. It is worthwhile if you need to create a high volume of video content and can employ someone full time, or hire a team to assist you. To have the entire process managed and completed on your behalf, we highly recommend that you outsource your videography to ensure top quality with minimal hassle and drawbacks.

You will need to consider the needs of your business and the kind of video content you'd like to create. What goes into covering an event, for instance, is vastly different from creating onboarding videos. These factors influence the needs of your crew and will inform them as to image, audio, lighting and editing options. These technological aspects need to be factored into the creative part of video content, guided by the plans put in place. The final step in the trilogy of video production is in its distribution. In other words, to produce videos you need to plan, create and share videos.

Creating B2B Video Content in 2023

For B2B’s, most video content will need to be educational and informative for the audience, representing your brand well with the utmost professional delivery. It is proven that people prefer to watch rather than to read, and this no less true in this context. With videos, you can educate through personalised approaches that are far more effective. Your goals are as follows: Provide solutions with video by displaying emotive and experiential elements. That is the success strategy for this form of content. Before we explore the specifics of how to do that, let’s consider a B2B example - HubSpot:

HubSpot is a platform for businesses that helps them with marketing, sales, customer service and CRM software. In order to effectively connect with their customers, they assist with providing the necessary resources and support through their Academy - and through video content, conducting both very successfully. Their YouTube channel is one of their most successful social media channels, providing people at various stages of the buying process (sales funnel, or as they call it, the flywheel) with guides, case studies, podcasts, animations and testimonials. These videos vary in length from a few seconds to around 30 minutes long.

There is a lot to be learnt by B2B’s from this. HubSpot creates videos that target specific concerns, preferring to generate conversational engagement rather than high view counts. Businesses should be following suit, valuing engagement levels over all else, with niche content proving to be highly popular anyway. Another key takeaway is that of having a YouTube channel - Google reports that 65% of people use it when they need to solve a problem. This is backed up by the fact that over a billion hours of YouTube videos are viewed every day. It can be the source of evergreen content for your business.

Outsource Your Video Production to Marketing Experts

Our team of videographers can produce all sorts of videos for you. Have a look at our portfolio, or view the clip below. For more information on how we can help you, get in touch with us.