Around the globe, business owners have faced tough challenges driven by the global pandemic. The uncertainty caused has impacted customer appetite for businesses that remained operational, while lockdowns prevented others from trading. But as the world, one again, slowly opens up for business, letting customers know may be harder than ever before. It's therefore important to highlight some of the channels available to businesses, especially those in search of cost-effective marketing and communication solutions. And there's no better way to start than Facebook!
Worldwide, there are over 2.50 billion monthly active Facebook users (MAU) for December 2019, an 8 percent increase from the previous year. (Source: Facebook 01/29/2020) 1.66 billion people on average log onto Facebook daily and are considered daily active users (Facebook DAU) for December 2019. This represents a 9 percent increase year-over-year (Source: Facebook 01/29/2020). Simply put, Facebook is a huge platform that you can use to generate more business. And this was before the current crisis. With everyone at home, people are online more than ever.
Facebook offers many tools to help your business, here are five good ones!
(Step 0) Create a business page
For all of the tools we discuss below, you need to have a business page that is distinct from your personal one. There are many benefits to setting one up, and there is no cost. It allows Facebook users to distinguish between your personal and business posts, connections, events and more. There are many features available for your business page that aren’t on the personal one.
It is easy to create your business page:
- Click on Create

- Choose Page
- Then Business or Brand
Tip #1: Use Reviews/Recommendations
Reviews are now recommendations, so users just have a Yes or No option. I encourage clients to leave reviews, and they are then seen by anyone considering using our company, and also by others connected to the reviewer. Reviews should be a short paragraph with some detail about the product or service and at least one thing in particular they liked. Those visiting your page will see how many people have recommended you, making it easier for them to make the decision to use your company.
Tip #2: Schedule Posts
With a business page, you can schedule your posts to come out at a time that is optimal for your audience. Or write a week's worth of posts at once and have them come out throughout the week!
Find it under Publishing Tools:

Tip #3: Take Advantage of Insights
Insights gives you in depth information for how people are interacting with your Facebook page. Some you would expect such as the number of page views, new likes or followers. But you can drill down even further and find out what specific actions were taken and when, even specifying a specific date range. This way you can see the effects of posts or campaigns very clearly. It can even show you how well your posts are doing across all of Facebook.
Insights are found on the top menu bar:

Get more detail by clicking on the sub menus on the left.
Tip #4: Utilize Your Facebook Inbox
The Inbox is one place that consolidates Messages and Comments made on your page, not only for Facebook, but also for Instagram. It makes it a lot easier to keep track and respond promptly! It even has some Automated Responses you can set up for when you are away, or if someone takes certain actions like leaving a review.

Tip # 5: Put Company Information in the About Section
Make sure you have set your category so more people can find you on Facebook, and have a good description so people know what makes you unique when they arrive! Provide a physical location if it makes sense. If you provide a phone number here, then mobile users can contact you straight from your Facebook page.

Bonus Tip: Get Help!
Facebook offers many tools, but it can be a lot to keep up with. However, it is worth it as Facebook helps your business reach an entirely different audience and more deeply engage with your existing clients. If you find it is too much, engage an expert to help out. Typically you will get back a lot more than it costs.