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How can I increase traffic to my website?

Written by Toni Becker | October 20, 2020

If you have a website and your target market is not finding it, what is the point of having one? For B2B and B2C businesses, website traffic is an indicator and driver of business growth, and if you are receiving a lot of qualified visitors to your site, you should be able to generate more leads, increase conversions and gain more clients. 

So, how do you drive more traffic to your website in a way that will increase your bottom line? 

While the correct strategy may differ from business to business, there are a few primary tactics that you can use to increase your web traffic. 

Proven Tactics to Increase your Website Traffic:  

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Ask yourself this: If a potential customer is actively searching for your products and services online, wouldn’t you want your business to pop up in their search results? If your website is not picked up by search engines, you will lose almost all leads to one of your competitors and this is where search engine optimisation becomes vital. 

Websites that are in the top spots of the Google search results for your industry search terms are sure to get consistent traffic and make more sales and Search Engine Optimisation can get you to this point. 

SEO is one of the purest forms of digital marketing, but it is also a science.  It takes a lot of work and time to implement and action a successful SEO strategy.  SEO consists of  increasing the technical quality of your website as well as the quality and volume of the content contained on your website in order to be placed at the top of the results.

Learn more about SEO and how it works, here

Link Building

Search Engines such as Google have algorithms in place to ensure it provides the user with only the most useful and authoritative websites in search engine results. Backlinks are one of the main most significant signals that search engines use to determine which web pages have the best information. 

Link Building forms part of the SEO process and is an important part of improving your rankings and in turn, increasing your website traffic. 

In this process it is important that you create high quality, helpful and relevant content, and through this content you are able to link back to other sites, as well as internal sites, to prove your authority. 

You can take certain proactive steps to ensure the best possible link building, such as:

  • Reach out to industry related bloggers and share resources
  • Check on broken links within your site
  • Write guest blogs on related sites that in turn link back to your content and website

This may seem simple enough, but each link you earn on a quality website will boost your authority and help you rise up the search result ranks which will significantly increase your website traffic and lead to greater business success.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads

SEO is a long-term solution and is used to ensure consistent website traffic, but if you have a new website, SEO does take some time to implement. If you are looking to gain instant recognition in the search engines, then PPC ads are the perfect way to promote your new website.

You can create an ad for your website that will show up in the search engine results pages for certain keywords, and for every click through you get on the ad, you pay a specific amount. This is costly, but it is immediate - however it is not a long term marketing solution.

Take a look at the difference between paid ads and SEO and what would work best for your business, here

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is another great channel you can use to increase website traffic, however, if you want to reach people beyond your current social media following, you need to invest in social media ads. 

Social ads have the power to jumpstart your social media presence, increase your online visibility and help you gain more quality leads. 

From Instagram and Facebook to LinkedIn and SnapChat, there are a variety of social platforms that you can leverage off to find your target audience. Learn more about social media for lead generation and directing those leads to your website, here

Content Marketing

As stated above, content marketing is vital for search engine success because the more useful information you have on your website, the higher you will rank. Content marketing refers to the practice of publishing consistent and high quality content on your website that serves your target market by answering their questions and adding value to their lives in one way or another. 

This kind of content also gives you something powerful to promote on your other marketing channels such as your social media pages, incentivising your audience to visit your website. 

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing relationships with leads and current customers. 

Through website lead generation campaigns, as well as social media lead generation campaigns, you are able to collect information from previous visitors through lead forms. Once you have their information, you are able to set up automated email campaigns to stay in touch, remind them of your products and services, or inform them of new deals. This is a great way to bring users back to your website and increase sales.

Learn more about email marketing, here

Partner with Influencers

Getting online attention is a great way to direct traffic to your website and social media influencers that align with your business and your industry already have a built in audience that you can leverage off.

Influencer marketing refers to working with popular bloggers or social media accounts within your industry, and the people behind these accounts will work with you in promoting your website and business to their followers. 

Learn more about the power of influencer marketing, here

Website Analytics

All of the above takes work and strategy, but there is no point investing in any of these tactics if you are unable to measure the success. With that in mind, you are able to track how well each tactic is doing through analytics, for example, Google Analytics not only tracks your web traffic, it tells you where your web traffic is actually coming from. 

These insights allow you to see what is working and what isn’t working, and you can amend your strategy accordingly.

In Conclusion

There are a variety of tactics and tools you can use to increase website traffic, however it is vital you take the time to measure their success and their failures to ensure you are reaching your goals.

If you are looking to implement any of the above tactics for your business, Nexa is here to help.

Contact us today for all your digital marketing requirements and get ranking!