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I Want to Increase My Sales. Does That Mean I Need More Advertising?

Written by Shannon Correia | November 01, 2021

The goal sounds relatively simple: increase sales. But as any entrepreneur might tell you, that route to finding a solution is far more complex. There are many ways a business could increase its sales, from marketing to improving production and optimizing processes... but what about advertising? Here’s why - and how - it’s one of the best ways your business can increase sales. 

Advertising for Increasing Sales

Advertising on digital marketing platforms is very effective across the board. This is thanks to the nature of it, as marketers can specify precise details for the ad and monitor its performance acutely. The key is knowing the ‘who, what, when, where, why, and how’ of advertising. 

Essentially, for advertising to have a real influence on sales, you’ve got to approach the ads with knowledge about your audience and an understanding of the platforms to be effective. Having a good product or service is an important starting point, but more so is the way you communicate it as a needed solution to your audiences. It is important to note that while ads are paid for, online ads are generally very affordable and you should be able to recoup these costs and then some. Again, the key is in allocating the funds wisely and creating an effective ad that delivers results.

Here are the stats you need to know when it comes to advertising in today’s market:

  • Over 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned 
  • Worldwide digital ad spending in 2021 is predicted to reach over $375 billion
  • The average person gets around 1,700 banner ads each month, but only sees half of them
  • The majority of marketers don’t use behavioural data for online ad targeting
  • In recent years, social media advertising budgets have doubled worldwide

Pro Tip: Make your ad enticing! Instead of just showcasing your product, include a promotion or offer to increase sales.

How to Create an Ad Campaign

Begin by following these steps which mark the sequence of creating an ad:

  • Set goals and KPIs
  • Create an ad strategy (timing, message, target audiences, and platforms)
  • Allocate the budget 
  • Ensure you have the ad creatives
  • Prepare and optimize the ad
  • Publish the ad(s)
  • Monitor the performance and make changes if necessary

In this article, we’re going to look at various types of advertising that have proven their might and worth. By incorporating these into your advertising strategy, you’ll be well on your way to seeing a rise in sales. 

Make More Sales with Advertising 

When it comes to highly effective online ads to drive sales, consider the following:

  • Video: It goes without saying that videos are highly engaging - and effective! If you’re able to create video ads, this is the best route to take. With captivating content, you can showcase your product in motion and the lifestyle attached to it, inspiring more sales. 

  • Direct purchases: “Shop Now” is a pretty direct and effective CTA. If you’re sharing an ad to increase sales, you can get straight to the point, advertising the products you’d like to push and making it simple for customers to click and buy.

Types of Advertising for More Sales

  • SEM Ads: There are a variety of search engine marketing (SEM) and pay-per-click (PPC) ads you can opt-in for. This advertising is directed at people conducting online searches for similar products. To increase sales, you can advertise on Google for your product to come up in the “Shopping” section of results, which often features a carousel of products from a few brands.

  • Social Media Ads: Social media advertising is a very popular and affordable type of online advertising, and it should be front of mind when it comes to increasing sales. There are various platforms that have become increasingly business-friendly, so you can advertise your products in various ways and formats. To drive sales, you can target your audience with precision, including CTAs and instantly shoppable products to encourage quick sales.

  • Re-marketing Ads: One of the ways to increase sales is by cross-selling and up-selling. Since consumers today spend a significant amount of time researching products and ‘’wish listing” them before making a purchase, re-marketing is a highly effective technique. It reminds the customer about your products and can inspire purchases for abandoned carts.

  • Gmail Ads: Advertising directly to someone’s email inbox is possible and can be highly effective in getting direct attention - and sales! These ads are labelled as such, and with a good email layout with CTAs and relevant products, you can win new sales while only paying for the emails that are opened. 

Related: Video Advertising Trends for 2022

There is so much that can be said about online advertising, especially when it comes to the number one goal of businesses: increasing sales. By advertising in the right places to the right people, you can increase your sales. To make this a long-term strategy, be sure to continue to drive organic traffic, as it takes time to build, and ensure that the sales you score are treated with priority care in order to encourage repeat sales and brand loyalty. 

If you need more guidance or assistance with your advertising strategy, reach out to us at Nexa. We’re a Dubai-based agency with a propensity towards business growth.