Businesses the world over are looking for ways to move into 2021 with positivity after a tumultuous year. Resolutions are often made at this time of year, and after having experienced more than anyone could have imagined, this year's resolutions for the workplace stem from a learned position. Here's our take...
At Nexa, we have weekly meetings online where we check-in and share a week's highlight with the team. In a remote working world, it is a great way to get everyone together and reflect on our work week. These resolutions have been inspired by our last meeting where each team member had the choice to share one or more of the following:
What have you learned about yourself in the previous 12 months
- What is something you're hoping to learn in the next 12 months
- What are you looking forward to the most in 2021
Resolutions often carry a bad rep for people's inability to stick to them, despite their best intentions. With that, we're changing the outlook slightly, to ensure we emerge stronger than before and ready to take on the new year. These are our top 3 workplace resolutions for 2021.
Make a Contribution
Whether it's a small gesture or a big one, there is power in gestures. We urge you to make a contribution this year, whether that's toward your career, your company or your society. If we each commit to contributing, the world can only but improve. Remember, this could be as small as checking in on your coworkers in a virtual tea break or organising a new club for the team to participate in.
Have a Worthy Workspace and Routine
While teams have become used to remote working, you must balance your home/work life. By having routines and dedicated spaces for working, you'll feel better and be able to perform better too. A monthly decluttering and clearing of junk mail may be a handy way to manage this over the year.
Find Your Strengths
By knowing and focusing on your strengths, you can excel in a particular field, which can be highly beneficial for your team. By bringing your A-game and developing a specialised skill, you will be more resilient, optimistic and increase your value. Show how much your job means to you by deciding to perform it to your best ability each day.
That marks our sweet and simple set of resolutions for the workplace in 2021. We encourage you to add and adjust the list where necessary. Begin by writing these down and keeping them within your workspace to serve as positive reminders and affirmations.