Amit Vyas

A strong academic and business background in the UK has helped me to develop a small group of profitable tech businesses in the UAE since 2005. As a CEO of Nexa, I have built a strong team of partners, in-house experts and a network that includes entrepreneurs, CEO's and Directors of large international businesses.

authorAmit Vyas dateJun 14, 2022 12:39:15 PM

Your Website Might be the Best Lead Generation Machine Your Business (N)ever Had [Updated 2023]

Updated 2023. Question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how well does your website perform for your business?
authorAmit Vyas dateJun 14, 2022 12:39:12 PM

The Importance of Digital Marketing & Sales Alignment When Growing a Business [Updated 2023]

"The future of sales is marketing; the future of marketing is sales."
authorAmit Vyas dateJun 14, 2022 12:38:28 PM

25 Performance Marketing and Lead Generation Interview Questions & Answers for 2023

Are you seeking a job in performance marketing and lead generation or perhaps you're hiring for this role within your company? In this article, we ...