Digital Transformation and the Healthcare Industry

authorToni Becker dateFebruary 28, 2021

In 2020, the healthcare industry was forever changed. With the outbreak of Covid-19, healthcare workers were on the frontline, putting their lives at risk every day in order to save lives. 

Their bravery has not gone unnoticed, with the world celebrating their courage and appreciating their efforts. However, the industry itself has had to adjust quickly and it is vital healthcare organisations put patients minds at ease with strict protocols and safety measures. They need to reach patients and prospects through strong marketing measures to ensure they are aware of these safety measures - they need to reach potential clients or patients with a strong message of safety. This is done through content, e-guides, social media, and more - and all of these tactics can be used for greater lead generation.

But how is this achieved?

Digital transformation is key.


What is Digital Transformation for Healthcare?

We live in the digital age and with new technology, software and systems in place, businesses and industries have had to adapt. Digital transformation refers to the complete transformation of business and organisational processes, activities, competencies and models in order to better business performance and opportunities.

The digital age has transformed everything we do in business, including marketing. As opposed to traditional marketing tactics, businesses in all industries (including healthcare) are able to get their message to highly targeted audiences and are able to track lead behaviour and guide them through the buying cycle using automated and personalised tactics. Thanks to digital transformation tools such as Customer Relationship Management software, marketers have precision, and with precision comes high quality leads that your sales team are able to convert into loyal customers. 

With the above in mind, businesses in the healthcare industry need to adapt to digital marketing and digital lead generation tactics to ensure growth. With search engine optimisation, social media marketing and content creation, email campaigns, tracking and metrics it is easy to become overwhelmed. However, with digital transformation comes Customer Relationship Management software (as mentioned previously) and this software is designed to take on all of the above and more, through easy to use tools, automation, advanced lead generation and machine learning

Digital Transformation for Marketing and Lead Generation in the Healthcare Industry 

Whatever sector you are in within the healthcare industry, from medical care (B2C) to machine manufacturing (B2B) it is vital that you consistently generate quality leads. Digital Transformation platforms and tactics are the best way to generate leads and are designed to help you attract, nurture and convert leads.

So, where do you begin?

Introducing HubSpot for Digital Transformation

HubSpot is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform that is used to track, organise and build greater relationships with leads and current customers. What sets HubSpot apart from its competitors is its ability to create marketing campaigns, manage tasks, automate communication, store data and propel deals in a single place. 

HubSpot for Healthcare Marketing and Lead Generation

The Healthcare industry is different from all other industries as it requires empathy and understanding in all areas of marketing and lead generation. This means that all marketing campaigns need to portray a message that establishes trust and relatability. But what is most important is a sense of personalisation in all messaging. This is where Inbound Marketing becomes important, and HubSpot is founded on the principle of Inbound Marketing.

When it comes to digital transformation, Inbound Marketing is fundamental. It is a business tactic or methodology that is designed to attract prospects by creating valuable, helpful and informative content and digital marketing experiences tailored to them. Traditional Outbound Marketing interrupts vast audiences with content that does not relate to them while Inbound Marketing reaches those who want to learn more about your offering and helps build connections with that audience. 

In order to implement this digital transformation tactic, your marketing team needs to create valuable, helpful and informative content that will guide your prospect through to conversion. Using a CRM such as HubSpot allows you to create, publish and track your content and learn about user behaviour as they interact with your content. This helps your marketing team learn about what is working for prospects and what is failing - allowing your team to amend your content strategy making way for greater lead generation. With this strategy in place you are able to attract, engage and delight prospects and this personalised strategy builds trusted relationships - ensuring successful digital transformation across your healthcare business or organisation.

How to use HubSpot for Inbound Marketing and Lead Generation through Digital Transformation

As an all-encompassing CRM, HubSpot is designed to provide you with the ability to perfect Inbound Marketing and use these tools to streamline your marketing processes and lead generation, while aligning all of this to support your sales or conversion processes.

Digital Transformation through Hubspot:

  • Marketing Automation that is driven by manually implemented marketing actions or automated, trigger-based activity
  • Ability to track all marketing touchpoints:
      • Documents
      • Communication with Leads
      • Social Media engagement and communication
      • Website and Landing Page visitors and their behaviour
      • Emails - both marketing and sales emails
      • and more.
  • Fully integrated Sales CRM with Marketing Platform allows sales sequences and workflows to become aligned
  • Full visibility of all lead generation efforts
  • Account Based Marketing (ABM) allowing B2B businesses the ability to target high-value prospects.

CRM platforms such as HubSpot give you the opportunity to manage your healthcare campaigns and leads in a single location. Not only does HubSpot offer a marketing platform, it also has a sales platform that allows you to track all your clients and leads as they move through the "buyers" journey. This makes it easier for your sales team to track, organise and manage your sales data by syncing your lead data in a one place and logging sales activities effortlessly - this is the power of digital transformation. 

HubSpot also has a feature that allows your team to view the sales pipeline of every potential client and current customer and you can create your deal dashboard to suit your long term  healthcare sales strategy. 

In Summary

Today’s modern healthcare marketing teams need to invest in technologies that are customer centric and designed to support their target markets needs. The customer needs to be prioritised above all else, and a marketing transformation strategy cannot be ignored as we head into 2021. Today we need to focus on empathy, informative content and personalisation when it comes to marketing and lead generation. 

In order to find success in the marketing transformation world, businesses and organisations need to invest in systems that allow for team alignment, automation, and data collection so that all teams can monitor their marketing and lead generation success - together. 

Work with an Award-Winning Healthcare Digital Transformation Expert

Nexa has been recognised as a high-quality healthcare marketing partner and was awarded the Best Digital Marketing Award - Healthcare by the MENA Search Awards in 2019 for our extensive work with Invisalign.

Nexa is Dubai's Leading Independent Digital Marketing Agency and a HubSpot Diamond certified agency partner. We're here to help you with everything HubSpot - book an online meeting to begin your Digital Transformation journey. 

