Toni Becker

authorToni Becker dateJun 14, 2022 12:46:19 PM

Meta Launches Facebook Video Reels to All Users

We are overwhelmed with digital media from the moment we wake up to the second we close our eyes. With social media platforms bombarding us with ...
authorToni Becker dateJun 14, 2022 12:46:18 PM

What Digital Marketing Tactics Should I Use for my Startup?

The most effective way to grow your startup is to follow a thorough and forward thinking digital marketing strategy. Growing a startup is a massive ...
authorToni Becker dateJun 14, 2022 12:43:27 PM

What is Marketing Operations and Why does your Organization Need it?

Marketing Operations is a term that is used to describe the function of the marketing team or marketing organization. This includes people, process ...
authorToni Becker dateJun 14, 2022 12:43:25 PM

Is Pay-Per-Click Marketing Still Relevant in 2023?

Updated 2023. Digital marketing is always evolving and you have probably questioned whether or not certain go-to tactics are even still relevant. ...
authorToni Becker dateJun 14, 2022 12:43:23 PM

Why First-party Data Should Be a Priority in 2023

Updated 2023. With privacy concerns and regulatory laws being enforced across the globe, digital marketers are dealing with the loss of third-party ...
authorToni Becker dateJun 14, 2022 12:43:21 PM

What to Consider When Taking a Content First Approach to SEO

One of the greatest Search Engine Optimization (SEO) mistakes a marketer can make is ignoring the importance of content creation. A lot of businesses ...
authorToni Becker dateJun 14, 2022 12:43:19 PM

Facebook Ads Manager Updates to Know in 2022

Facebook Ads Manager updates usually happen in the blink of an eye and one day, marketers will wake up having to relearn everything they once knew ...
authorToni Becker dateJun 14, 2022 12:43:16 PM

Why Should I Align My Marketing, Sales and Service Departments?

Departmental silos reduce overall organizational collaboration and inhibit growth while fragmenting your customer service experience. Today, it is ...