How is Web3 impacting digital marketing?

authorCaryn Oram dateMar 6, 2023 2:56:00 PM

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At NEXA, we have geared ourselves towards Web3, evolving what we do and how we do it. Web3 is the next "generation" of the internet, so to speak, and the online world is steadily feeling its presence. This new iteration changes many things, including the way we view and execute digital marketing. It's come time to develop new strategies and approaches, and the businesses that are doing so are expanding themselves into a whole new realm of reach and potential sales. Let's take a look at some of the ways that Web3 is changing and impacting digital marketing as we know it.


Perhaps its defining feature, Web3 is a completely decentralised space. No overarching authority organisation has any control over the information that is produced and shared in Web3. This greatly impacts the level of control and autonomy marketers have, as all content is completely owned by that marketing organisation. There are no intermediary platforms involved in the process, meaning all content your brand creates and distributes in the Web3 space is completely owned by you. Marketing in these conditions guarantees businesses a level of security and ownership not afforded in the Web2 arena.

Blockchain technology

The blockchain is the central point around which all Web3 activity revolves. It is what provides exclusive ownership rights to people who share their content online, and it is also responsible for making all Web3 transactions and engagements between parties transparent and secure. In terms of marketing, this is beneficial for a company's bid to build trust with its customers. Interacting with businesses in the Web3 space provides consumers with an added layer of digital "protection."


As Web3 presents a space that does not experience third-party input, user interactions on Web3 will find that the platform can create more personalised experiences that are adapted from the user's preferences, behaviour, and interactions. Seasoned digital marketing experts know that personalisation in marketing creates content that captures the target audience's attention far better than generic content will. Web3 allows marketers to drive their marketing campaigns with even greater impact, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Social media alternatives

Social media has become an integral part of the digital marketing strategy that most companies implement. Of course, the majority of social media platforms are controlled by a handful of large organisations, and, as mentioned, the ownership of all content you upload to these platforms is relinquished once uploaded. Web3 technology provides an alternative to the social media platforms we know and utilise already, allowing for greater control, privacy, and ownership of data by users. 

New advertising models

Web3 technology also creates the opportunity for marketers to employ different marketing channels entirely. The metaverse, VR, and NFTs are all new technologies emerging from the Web3 space, and all offer unique new methods of marketing engagement. Unique metaverse and VR experiences, and branded NFTs can be created for your business and provide customers with highly interactive engagement. The new technology provides novelty and excitement, with your business perhaps being the first opportunity that consumer has had to experience Web3. 

Ultimately, Web3 technology has the potential to evolve digital marketing by enabling more decentralised and personalised consumer experiences, and more and more businesses are exploring what Web3 can offer their marketing strategy. At NEXA, we have embraced Web3 and all of its capabilities and are leading our clients into a new era of digital marketing. Get in touch with us to find out how we can help you.

