Posts about

Facebook Targeting

authorShannon Correia dateAugust 04, 2021

Top 17 Benefits of Facebook Advertising

Advertising on social media platforms is a highly effective way to reach and engage with your audiences online. Facebook advertising is the OG space ...
authorShannon Correia dateJuly 21, 2020

A Guide to Facebook Shop - How to Get Started

Are you a small business looking to trade online? Even if you’ve already got your own e-commerce site, Facebook is making it possible for you to sell ...
authorToni Becker dateJuly 06, 2020

How to Generate Sales Leads using Facebook

Facebook has become a part of our daily routine, it has become so deeply embedded in our lives that we hardly notice when we click on the application ...
authorAmit Vyas dateAugust 14, 2016

Which Team Tops the English Premier League Supporters Table in the UAE? Updated for 2016/2017 Season

there are almost 1.1 million fans of English Premier League Clubs in the UAE - which team comes out on top? This time last year, the research team at ...
authorAmit Vyas dateNovember 01, 2015

Facebook Advertising in Dubai & Abu Dhabi: Why Your Business Should Be Using this Platform

Updated 2023. Facebook is the stalwart of social media platforms, achieving unbelievable levels of growth that are almost unimaginable by any ...
authorAmit Vyas dateAugust 05, 2015

Which Team Tops the English Premier League Supporters Table in the UAE?

Despite 2 years of relative failure, Manchester United FC remain top of the UAE supporters league As the new English Premier League Season once again ...